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How does the bloated military budget drive the debt crisis? CODEPINK Interview with Jeffrey Sachs
Former U.S. Comptroller General Testifies on National Debt
Hearing: Sounding the Alarm: Pathways and Possible Solutions to the U.S. Fiscal Crisis
Fiscal State of the Union
Jodey Arrington Chairs House Budget Committee Hearing On Solutions To The U.S. Fiscal Crisis
LIVE: House Budget Committee Holds a Hearing on 'Possible Solutions to the US Fiscal Crisis'
The CBO Admits Failure in National Debt Projections
Cut Military Spending (Benjamin Friedman)
Should we reduce defence spending & foreign aid to cut spending & reduce the national debt?
Can the US Rein in Chronic Federal Deficit Spending?
Debt and Deficit: Long-term Fiscal Issues
Money, Power and Wall Street, Part Three (full documentary) | FRONTLINE